Monday, November 22, 2010
Initiating a community service project for children born with cleft and palate has been the one of the best experiences of my student life. While the satisfaction of helping underprivileged children tops everything else, leading the service helped me grow as an individual and to a great extent provided some great perspectives for my future. Not only do I want to continue service activities in college but also to continue my support to cleft palate issue.
I would like to begin with work we have been doing this semester. Raising awareness of the need for timely surgery of cleft lip or palate and organizing our fund raising event topped our service goals. This semester we started planning an event two months ago, to raise funds that could sponsor atleast surgeries of 15 children born with clefts.
Our team voted to have a party outside school premises as Overseas School does not allow other international school students to attend events on our campus which could limit the amount of funds raised. So, our priorities were
1. Find a venue free of charge
2. Design posters
3. Find DJ
4. Find sponsors for the event
5. Advertise
6. Run the event
One of the first things I did was to call various city hotels and seek appointments with the GM's. Cinnamon Lake side was the first Hotel to offer us a venue, free of charge and we were really excited as the venue over looks the lake. The event was therefore set to happen on November 26th.
For me, one of the high points of leading the service has been my experiences while meeting various sponsors and making presentations. I met Hayley's GM, MAS GM, UniLever Marketing Director, HSBC corporate division head amongst others. I am proud of the fact that each firm was touched by the video (above) presented and committed to sponsor atleast two surgeries. Infact, it looks like, we could raise more funds than we initially planned.
The kind of support we receive when we seek help for this project never ceases to amaze me. Some of the corporate heads I met, want to donate from their personal accounts along with the donation from the firm.
Two weeks ago we experienced our biggest set back. Cinnamon Lake side called to apologize as they cannot offer the venue due to technical problems that we had no control over. This set us back big time as the posters are almost ready to go out. However, a bigger challenge now, is finding venue at such short notice. Despite trying almost every hotel in the city, we failed to find the venue as it is too much of a last minute with x-mas around the corner. However, we are not willing to fold in. We have now pushed the event to December 11th and hoping to find a venue, so that the event can go on as we hope to raise funds for six surgeries. I definitely will continue to persevere as running this event will mean raising funds for atleast six surgeries and since it is December, there is possibility for more.
The corporate sponsorships are independent to the event oraganization, thus will definitely come through.
Leading the service provided great insights into real world experience for me. Organizing the event and meeting the sponsors and collaborating with the local doctor and sponsors are something that I could never have learnt in a classroom and for that I am really greatful. I learnt that it is important to be the team player. The kind of funds that Corporates are willing to donate shows their commitment to service due to their social awareness and my interactions with them have definitely helped me to seriously consider management line of studies in future. The video presentation helped to convince people to reach out to the children born with clefts as it added an emotional angle which could not have been possible through mere oral presentation.
We will know in two weeks whether or not the event will take place and how much funds we raised this semester and how many surgeries we would be able to sponsor.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It was great to have Ms. Flynn as a supervisor. She was firm in her guidence but at the same time gave us the freedom to do things our way. She strogly backed me with my idea to get corporate sponsorships and helped us, with the letters to the companies. We decided to have a party to raise funds and we decided to hold it outside school as we needed more people to attend the party as OSC does not permit other school students for after hours parties on campus.
While the girls were busy with the poster, we made an appointment with Hilton GM. Devansh and I met the GM, who was very patient and understanding and offerend us best venue for an event like this, Blue Elephant which come ready with DJ turn tables, dance floor, drinks counter etc. I contacted GM of Coca Cola Beverages SriLanka Limited, who once again was fabulous in his response and offered us the drinks and delivery on the day. BBDO, an advertising agency, printed our posters and tickets for us and last but not the least Secure Securities Limted Provided the security guards at the venue. We finalised the DJ who considered our cause and gave us a discount of RS5,ooo, which means he was going to cost us Rs15,000. What amazed me, was the quick and positive response of all those individuals heading these companies and their willingness to help us, help the children suffering from the condition. They support was crucial for the success of our event and and they were, supportive. I learnt that corporates have a program called "Corporate Social Responsibility" or CSR and they want to give back to the society in their own way. My interactions with them helped my personal growth not only in terms of my presentation skills but also in helping me decide that I would like to study management and be a part of the business world.
THE DAY OF THE EVENT - 27/4/2010
I decided to be at the venue early so that we can address any problems that may crop up at the last minute. We pre-sold some tickets but most of our sales happened on the day of the party. The attendence from our school (OSC) was the best and this was no surprise. There were quite a few students from British school. All in all, 80 students attended the event and we recieved good reviews about music, DJ, the venue and the gathering in general, from those who attended. We did have small isues like students wandering into the garden and this is one of the areas that was off-limits. Our security was able to take care of this problem. Our perseverence paid off and palate party was a success.
Between the nine of us we handled the ticket sales and manned the coke bar , while coca cola sri lanka gave us more cokes than we would ever need, Hilton gave us waiters along with the venue and the music rocked. We collected Rs.60,000 that night and after paying the DJ, we had Rs45,000 (will pay for 3 surgeries).
All along I was aware that organizing one event will not pay for 10 surgeries. While the planning for Palate Party was going on, I started writing to some well known Corporate houses in Sri Lanka seeking help for raise funds to support the surgeries of children suffering from cleft lip and palate. Ms.Flynn helped me frame the letters and helped me tremendously by talking to the principal. Companies are conscious about social responsibility and they want to give back to the society they operate in. I was very fortunate to meet these people and have learnt much in the process from them which will greatly help in shaping my future.
Tata Communications Lanka Limited--------------Rs25,000
Work Wear Lanka---------------------------------Rs 7,500
Fonterra Brands Lanka Limited-------------------Rs 30,000
Agni Gas------------------------------------------Rs 15,000
Sai Residences------------------------------------Rs 30,000
Palate Party--------------------------------------Rs 45,000
Additional tickets bought by parents of OSC------Rs 7,500
Total--------------------------------------------Rs 157,500
10 surgeries (15,000x10)------------------------Rs 150,000
Balance------------------------------------------Rs 7,500
The experience of initiating and leading the service along with organizing Palate Party taught me so much along with all my experiences put together. Below are the skills I learnt in the process.
1. Community service is much more meaningful when we actually know the people we help
2. Time Management
3. Corporates can make a difference to the community
4. Handle Pressure
5. Not to be discouraged by hurdles but think of an alternative solution to problems
6. leadership roles are a lot more challenging than what I originally thought
8. Self-Confidence and self-Reliance
9. Team work is all about collaboration and cooprative spirit
After paying for 10 surgeries, we have Rs10,000 to begin our journey with enthusiasm, next year and that I am looking forward to the experience with all of its challenges and learnings.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Model United Nations
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Week Without Walls
For the next 3 days we painted the pre-school that we were assigned from morning to evening (9am to 4pm). I was incharge of painting walls, one of which was the largest interior wall and also doors. Not being the most creative person on our team, I was not assigned the mural work but I would like to stress upon the fact that the architect that designs a building need not have the capability to paint the mural inside the building. I learnt that we need to sand before we actually paint and also that the painting starts looking good only after second coat. Painting the walls with roller brushes and achieving a smooth finish is artistic too. Deciding the colour combinations to paint the doors is artistic too. I am especially proud of the doors that I painted and loved my colour combinations. I had never performed this kind of task and I leant new skills like stripping, sanding and painting during the week. I was happy thinking that the children are going to have a cheerful learning environment, once we completed the work. This I see as the Creative aspect of our WWW.
I took great pleasure in painting the walls and doors even though it was physically challenging. Working for hours on end was exhausting but this clearly is the action part of our CAS requirement. Playing golf and running in the gym pale in comparison to the physically stressful job of painting.
However, Community service is at the heart of WWW. It was an amazing feeling to make a real difference to the learning environment of underprivileged children. The hours they spend in school are going to be more pleasurable due to the painting job we did. That somehow made all the exhaustion worthwhile and compelled me to do my best work. Ofcourse, the children are so young that they would not be excited only by our painting. We gave them the gifts we took and each day we played for about an hour with them. We conducted games and the joy on the faces of those little children was the reward we reaped that week. We put up a concert for the kids and puppet show was one that the kids loved and the children in turn put up a show for us which I would say was the cream of the cake. The village community was very appreciative and they treated us with local goodies. Our team worked wonderfully well and each and every one did their best. The co-operative spirit was evident through out the week.
One of the windows I painted
With the kids
Our Group in front of the painted school complete with mural
Precision, concentration and a planning needed on the putting green.
Co-ordination of body, mind and right club to drive the ball
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Believing is one thing but doing what you believe is an entirely different thing. I learnt that it can be very challenging but perseverance will make it possible. I believed that I wanted to to make a real, tangible difference in my community service activity and due to this, my iniative to start my own service activity was delayed by a whole semester as it was extremely difficult to find doctors willing to conduct a cleft lip and palate surgery for less than RS. 25,000.
There are millions of children suffering from this syndrome in Asia especially in South Asia. It was extremely painful for me so look at the photos of these suffering children who cannot smile even if they wanted to, due to the gap in their upper lip or palate or both. Imagine That. They cannot smile, they are bullied constantly by others over and above the not being able to eat and sometimes hear clearly.
Fortunately there are charities like Operation smile and Smile Train amongst others, which are working constantly to help these underprevileged children and these charities have trained the local doctors to perform these surgeries efficiently. My research raised my awareness about cleft lip and palate and helped me understand that our service would make a difference to those underprivileged children.
I was clear about one thing from the begining and that is not to just collect funds and donate to existing charities. Finally I found a doctor who conducts cleft lip and palate surgeries for free (operation theatre and large scale equipment is offered free by Lady Rideway Hospital) and expenses are the disposable medical equipment and the nursing service which works upto 15,000 LKR. Now, I am ready to go. The research and my visits to the hospital helped me watch the underprivileged children in this society stuggle for basic medical attention. I became more determined to make this service project a success. I see this as a beginning of my personal development as service took on a whole new meaning.
Ms.Shamila approved our project and Rajindh was very keen to work with me on this project. Collaboration with doctors, teachers and other students would be the keys to the success fo this service. We talked to other students regarding this by presenting them the power point above. We managed to get 9 students to enroll in our service. Ms.Flynn is going to be our supervisor and we'll be meeting every Thursday after school.