Monday, November 22, 2010


Golf -- Clearly, this is my favourite action component as I intend to persue it more seriously in future. One of the biggest challenges I am facing this semester is in finding the time to play golf due to IB deadlines and it is a time consuming game where I need 3 hours at a stretch to play 18 holes. However, I continue to persevere by playing 18 holes atleast once a week. Although I like to be in a better place with a handi cap that is much lower, it is realistically not possible until my IB is done as it takes away too much of my time.

My biggest strength and skill in golf is my drive. Some times I drive as much as 280 yards and this is one aspect of my game that I am really happy with. But my short game needs great amount of work. Despite the time constraints, I am committed to make this work by taking a lesson every week with my coach.

My weakest links are bunkers (sand wedge) and putting, which previously was not so bad. This could be due to lack of practice because I don't spend as much time in driving range and on putting green these days. But I am committed to taking this game to the next level as I intend to pursue it at varsity level. So, I have starting stopping by the the golf course for 15 minutes everyday on my way back from school so that I can atleast practice my pitching and putting. I have also picked up a putting mat in order to practice between study breaks. Gradually my Putting skills are improving.

Tennis -- I played tennis from the time I turned 5 years old and persued it for 9 years but gave up when we moved to Colombo due to problems with proper coaching. Since, I was advised to take up a sport that was more rigourous tha golf, I went back to playing tennis twice a week and I shouls say that I am glad I did. I always regretted giving up tennis as I had pursued it for most of my early years and it is a game I truly enjoy.

I play tennis twice a week now and I am happy with my progress, although first month was frustrating since I expected my game to be where I left off two years ago. Since then, my forehand is almost where I want it to be although back hand and service still need a lot of working. I am mostly playing doubles now unlike before when I always played singles game. But I really would like to be a part of sport that needs collaborating, since I am doing golf where I play independently.

My coach is encouraging me to continue persevering the sport as he is confident that my skills will improve with practice and time. I intend to as it has been a great cardio activity and something that I truly enjoy.


Since I started playing tennis, I am working out at the gym three times a week as tennis has been good for my cardio activity. Gym has definitely helped me to not only burn my calories but also as a destressor and keep me fit and healthy.


Although I spoke to Ms. Rosanna regarding my interest in running for the head of MUN administration and gave in my name, I eventually withdrew because my parents compelled me to focus on my academics. Hence, I decided to drop MUN due to my academic commitments.

Since I learnt guitar for about two and a half years previously, I decided, it would be good to build upon what I had learnt, to reach the next level so that it becomes an activity that can pursued for a long time to come.

I found a teacher who comes home for an hour every week and teaches Tab. I was clear that I did not want to pursue the rigid structured music claasess with notes as it would mean starting from scratch and I was worried that I would not practice notes with as much commitment as practicing a song that I enjoy immensely. Secondly, I do not have the time to learn the notes and the music and I had to priorotize.

Hence, I choose a song that I like and my teacher taches it in two or three sessions. This is has been an effective method as I love to practice which I do when I take a brake from my school work. I caanot say, it comes easily to me but I intend to pursue this as I am enjoying the activity. I personally am not too good with my acoustic and particularly enjoy playing on the elctric guitar. My teacher says that I would enjoy playing the acoustic when my skills improve.

I never aspired to be a great musician but I most definitely love music. My goals for learning guitar would be, to play my favourite song while the others sing along. If I can confidently do that, I would a happy person.

Another creative activity I accomplished this semester is making the movie for my service. I have always enjoyed learning to use different softwares. Hence using the photos of children (before and after surgeries) whose surgeries were sponsored by us, I created a movie using iMovie software.

I first used powerpoint to create the slides and copied the slides to iMovie and added music too. Although it was challenging in the beginning, I soon became proficient at using the software. This new task helped me gain skills that are useful. We presented the video at school assembly and convinced a larger group of students to join cleft lip and palate service.


Initiating a community service project for children born with cleft and palate has been the one of the best experiences of my student life. While the satisfaction of helping underprivileged children tops everything else, leading the service helped me grow as an individual and to a great extent provided some great perspectives for my future. Not only do I want to continue service activities in college but also to continue my support to cleft palate issue.

I would like to begin with work we have been doing this semester. Raising awareness of the need for timely surgery of cleft lip or palate and organizing our fund raising event topped our service goals. This semester we started planning an event two months ago, to raise funds that could sponsor atleast surgeries of 15 children born with clefts.

Our team voted to have a party outside school premises as Overseas School does not allow other international school students to attend events on our campus which could limit the amount of funds raised. So, our priorities were

1. Find a venue free of charge
2. Design posters
3. Find DJ
4. Find sponsors for the event
5. Advertise
6. Run the event

One of the first things I did was to call various city hotels and seek appointments with the GM's. Cinnamon Lake side was the first Hotel to offer us a venue, free of charge and we were really excited as the venue over looks the lake. The event was therefore set to happen on November 26th.

For me, one of the high points of leading the service has been my experiences while meeting various sponsors and making presentations. I met Hayley's GM, MAS GM, UniLever Marketing Director, HSBC corporate division head amongst others. I am proud of the fact that each firm was touched by the video (above) presented and committed to sponsor atleast two surgeries. Infact, it looks like, we could raise more funds than we initially planned.

The kind of support we receive when we seek help for this project never ceases to amaze me. Some of the corporate heads I met, want to donate from their personal accounts along with the donation from the firm.

Two weeks ago we experienced our biggest set back. Cinnamon Lake side called to apologize as they cannot offer the venue due to technical problems that we had no control over. This set us back big time as the posters are almost ready to go out. However, a bigger challenge now, is finding venue at such short notice. Despite trying almost every hotel in the city, we failed to find the venue as it is too much of a last minute with x-mas around the corner. However, we are not willing to fold in. We have now pushed the event to December 11th and hoping to find a venue, so that the event can go on as we hope to raise funds for six surgeries. I definitely will continue to persevere as running this event will mean raising funds for atleast six surgeries and since it is December, there is possibility for more.

The corporate sponsorships are independent to the event oraganization, thus will definitely come through.

Leading the service provided great insights into real world experience for me. Organizing the event and meeting the sponsors and collaborating with the local doctor and sponsors are something that I could never have learnt in a classroom and for that I am really greatful. I learnt that it is important to be the team player. The kind of funds that Corporates are willing to donate shows their commitment to service due to their social awareness and my interactions with them have definitely helped me to seriously consider management line of studies in future. The video presentation helped to convince people to reach out to the children born with clefts as it added an emotional angle which could not have been possible through mere oral presentation.

We will know in two weeks whether or not the event will take place and how much funds we raised this semester and how many surgeries we would be able to sponsor.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010



I had taken up MUN and Pin Hole Photography to fullfill the creative part of my CAS. I learnt various skills in MUN but given the limited timing my pin-hole photography sills are quite basic. This was my second year with MUN 'first committee' which deals with human rights and the topic this year was 'Human traficking'. MUN helped me to become aware of various humanitarian issues across the world and work with other memebers of the group in a collaborative manner to come up with resolutions to be passed by the security council. While teaching the workings of United Nations, MUN also helps me to develop compassion for the less fortunate further along with developing skills to question ethical issues in the world. MUN helped me to work collaboratively in large groups, express my views with confidence while appreciating other's point of view. However, having been in the first committee for two years has restricted my all round learning and my leadership abilities as we were constrained to researching only one aspect of MUN. Hence I would like to take up something different within MUN in the year ahead as a part of that plan I would like to apply for the role of head of administration.

Pin Hole Photography helped me develop artistic skills while enjoying myself. It is one skill that I would like to develop further in future as I spent limited time learning the techniques. Even though I have a long way to go in taking and developing a good photo, this course taught me patience, attention to detail and to work independently. I do plan to continue Pin Hole photography next year after completing my MUN requirements.


I took up golf and Gym for the activity part of my CAS. While Golf was stimulating both physically and mentally, it was going to the gym 4 times a week that helped me lose weight which was one of my major goals for the year. I made good progress in golf and learnt new skills especially my 'short game'. Golf has helped me develop mental strength and positive spirit in order to perform underful stressful conditions while competing. It helped me understand that the can make the person win or lose a game Gym on the otherhand kept me physically fit and tested my will power to keep up the exercise routine while eating healthy. My workouts in the gym made me more energetic and helped me to handle my stress levels better and helped me grow as an individual as I had be committed despite time constraints. However, I would like to restart tennis (previously played for 10 years) which I have been neglecting for the past one year due to busy schedules. I miss the challenge of playing a rigourous sport which challenges one both phycally and mentally.


One of my major goals last year was to iniate a community service project that benefits the people in need directly and I have. The initiation process and running the service has made me more self-reliant than I thought. My interaction with the children suffering with cleft lip and palate and their families made me understand their helplessness as they have to wait their turn as they could not afford the surgery. This new experience has taught me to be more compassionate, autonomous, responsible and confident while handling challenging situations. My research developed my awareness and knowledge about how cleft lip and palate affects children in under developed countries. Organizing the event made me realize that I could not have done it alone without my team. I also learnt that collaboration need not be only with peers but also with companies who were so generous in their contributions. However, I did not start the service activity till the second semester for various reasons and this loss of time is something that I'll regret. It meant having lost an opportunity to organize another event to raise more money for surgeries. Better late than never and I am happy with my progress since then. I plan to continue with this service where we intend to raise more funds to sponsor the surgeries of as many children as possible.



Work towards a leadership role in MUN


Start Tennis
Continue Golf
Continue Gym


To sponsor 10 or more cleft lip and palate surgeries in the coming year again

Monday, July 26, 2010


After MUN concluded for the year, I decided to develop new skills, hence I chose Pinhole Photography to support the creative part of CAS and I am glad I did. I always loved taking photographs but this photography is nothing like the normal photography. According to the website Wikipedia, Pinhole camera is a simple one which is essentially "a light proof box with a small hole in one side." The pinhole allows the light to pass through it and the image of the object is projected (inverse) on the opposite side of the box and the size of the hole determines the sharpness of the object (wikipedia).

For the photo exhibition, I planned to shoot my feet wearing shoes after contemplating various subjects. I felt that my feet represent me as a person, since I am a wandering global citizen, who loves to travel and hence felt the most appropriate object (Living).

The photo was not as clear as I expected. I felt that the placement of the camera was fine but the distance between the camera and feet may have been a little off as perfect and this lead to a certain amount of haziness. It could have also been due to the size of the hole in my box too, as the size of the hole determines how much light enters the tin. Since I joined quite late, I think, my techniques were not as good as I would have liked them to be. However, I am very proud of "My foot" and with continued effort, I am sure to improve. While this elective challenged me due to limited time I spent learning the process. I feel I have a long way to go before I can claim to know pin hole photography.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


To me, this is one of the major highlights of my grade 11. Once I planned and initiated the service project to help the children suffering from Cleft and Palate, I realised I need to be extremely committed to actualy make my dream a reality; like the surgery; timing is key here. The children suffering from this condition need to undergo the surgery between the ages of 6 to 12 months to integrate well into society. Since my project was delayed by a semester, in my search for the doctor, I had only one semester before I raised enough funds for atleast 10 surgeries in order to make a tangible difference. I knew it would be challenging to accomplish my goal particularly with assignment deadlines closing in and year end exams looming down on us. That makes it Rs.150,000. I knew collaborating with my group and convincing heads of corporate firms is the only way to accomplish this goal. It is going to be an difficult task as this kind of money was never collected by one service project in one semester.


It was great to have Ms. Flynn as a supervisor. She was firm in her guidence but at the same time gave us the freedom to do things our way. She strogly backed me with my idea to get corporate sponsorships and helped us, with the letters to the companies. We decided to have a party to raise funds and we decided to hold it outside school as we needed more people to attend the party as OSC does not permit other school students for after hours parties on campus.

As a team we divided people for various works. Though we were the service with fewer students, each one worked with enthusiasm and collaborated well. Emily and Upanda were incharge of poster which was edited by Dilan in the end. They did a fantastic job. Below is the poster:

While the girls were busy with the poster, we made an appointment with Hilton GM. Devansh and I met the GM, who was very patient and understanding and offerend us best venue for an event like this, Blue Elephant which come ready with DJ turn tables, dance floor, drinks counter etc. I contacted GM of Coca Cola Beverages SriLanka Limited, who once again was fabulous in his response and offered us the drinks and delivery on the day. BBDO, an advertising agency, printed our posters and tickets for us and last but not the least Secure Securities Limted Provided the security guards at the venue. We finalised the DJ who considered our cause and gave us a discount of RS5,ooo, which means he was going to cost us Rs15,000. What amazed me, was the quick and positive response of all those individuals heading these companies and their willingness to help us, help the children suffering from the condition. They support was crucial for the success of our event and and they were, supportive. I learnt that corporates have a program called "Corporate Social Responsibility" or CSR and they want to give back to the society in their own way. My interactions with them helped my personal growth not only in terms of my presentation skills but also in helping me decide that I would like to study management and be a part of the business world.

So, this means that the total cost of the event to us is going to be Rs 15,000. We were hoping for about 100 students to attend and Finally decided to price the tickets at Rs750 per ticket with a free drink.

The biggest challenge we faced was the advertising. We were counting big time on the students from Colombo International School, Asian International School, British School and Elizabeth Moir. However, we were not aware that except British School all others were starting their final exams in the first week of May. We were not given permission to put up our posters in any of the above schools with the exception of British school. This was a huge surprise and I was really concerned as these are the schools with large student bodies but we did not give up. Our team worked together and started hanging posters on electricity poles outside the above schools. We also started calling people we know personally, to bring along their friends to make for the numbers we knew we lost because we were committed to make this event a success.

THE DAY OF THE EVENT - 27/4/2010

I decided to be at the venue early so that we can address any problems that may crop up at the last minute. We pre-sold some tickets but most of our sales happened on the day of the party. The attendence from our school (OSC) was the best and this was no surprise. There were quite a few students from British school. All in all, 80 students attended the event and we recieved good reviews about music, DJ, the venue and the gathering in general, from those who attended. We did have small isues like students wandering into the garden and this is one of the areas that was off-limits. Our security was able to take care of this problem. Our perseverence paid off and palate party was a success.

Between the nine of us we handled the ticket sales and manned the coke bar , while coca cola sri lanka gave us more cokes than we would ever need, Hilton gave us waiters along with the venue and the music rocked. We collected Rs.60,000 that night and after paying the DJ, we had Rs45,000 (will pay for 3 surgeries).


All along I was aware that organizing one event will not pay for 10 surgeries. While the planning for Palate Party was going on, I started writing to some well known Corporate houses in Sri Lanka seeking help for raise funds to support the surgeries of children suffering from cleft lip and palate. Ms.Flynn helped me frame the letters and helped me tremendously by talking to the principal. Companies are conscious about social responsibility and they want to give back to the society they operate in. I was very fortunate to meet these people and have learnt much in the process from them which will greatly help in shaping my future.

Tata Communications Lanka Limited--------------Rs25,000
Work Wear Lanka---------------------------------Rs 7,500
Fonterra Brands Lanka Limited-------------------Rs 30,000
Agni Gas------------------------------------------Rs 15,000
Sai Residences------------------------------------Rs 30,000

Palate Party--------------------------------------Rs 45,000
Additional tickets bought by parents of OSC------Rs 7,500

Total--------------------------------------------Rs 157,500
10 surgeries (15,000x10)------------------------Rs 150,000
Balance------------------------------------------Rs 7,500


The experience of initiating and leading the service along with organizing Palate Party taught me so much along with all my experiences put together. Below are the skills I learnt in the process.
1. Community service is much more meaningful when we actually know the people we help
2. Time Management
3. Corporates can make a difference to the community
4. Handle Pressure
5. Not to be discouraged by hurdles but think of an alternative solution to problems
6. leadership roles are a lot more challenging than what I originally thought
8. Self-Confidence and self-Reliance
9. Team work is all about collaboration and cooprative spirit

After paying for 10 surgeries, we have Rs10,000 to begin our journey with enthusiasm, next year and that I am looking forward to the experience with all of its challenges and learnings.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Model United Nations

With MUN Students of Lahore International school

Colombo Model United Nations (COMUN) with over 500 representatives could be quite intimidating but having been a part of the process before I was ready with my research and eagerly waiting for the day. I hosted three girls from Lahore, Pakistan and that is definitely a new experience for me and an interesting personal learning. COMUN operated between 5/3/2010 to 7/3/2010 and it was an opportunity for me to develop my debating skills as I stated at the beginning of the year. I was in Committee One and I was the representative of Zimbabwe. It indeed was a challenge to represent Zimbabwe when the central topic of discussion is Human trafficking. I learnt so many facts about human trafficking such as, it is not done just for sex trade and not all the victims are women and children. Eventhough my country Zimbabwe was a challenging one to debate, I managed to talk few times. Below is the definition of Human Trafficking.
MUN is a creative activity because Every student need to do role play. We need to feel one with the country that we are representing. This Role play can be very challenging especially when you are representing a country that defies your beliefs. If we do not sound convincing in our argument for the country that we represent, we'll be shot down by the representatives of the developed countries in no time.

On day 1 we debated "combating the illicit trafficking of human beings caught in armed conflict" and on day 2 we debated "exercising the responsibility to protect". MUN gives us great insights into social issues that we do not really focus on, day to day. I attribute this for my social awareness and great interest in related world issues to a large extent. It gives us an opportunity to know and understand the horrendous crimes and grievences, that are inconceivable to us living normal lives in distant places. MUN also gives us an opportunity to come up with diplomatic resolutions and in the process helps us to develop our analytical skills and also to not be judgemental.

So, this experience of representing Zimbabwe taught me to research as much in detail as possible because to find their positive acts was rather difficult. I learnt to speak with conviction and also write resolutuins rather fast, in less than 45 minutes. I learnt to take a stand for Zimbabwe and supported war in the process, which is against my personal conviction. I said, "In a situation where Libya fails to hand over the persons responsible for the death on the Chinese Ambasodor, Zinbabwe would be willing to use its full military might against Libya."Thus I can say, MUN helped me develop my role playing skills.

On Days 1 and 2, each committee operated independently but on day 3 General Assembly convened at Water's Edge. A near nuclear war between China and Taiwan was the 'Emergence Topic' that was debated on the day. I did talk on the day and I am proud of my accomplishment. Public speaking, I have to say is not an easy task, especially if I have to speak in front of 500 delegates but once I am there I love it. It is something that I enjoy and in the process makes me confident about what I am speaking.

Overall, each day was challenging, with the sessions lasting around 10 hours but it great experience that helped me hone my research skills, debating skills, Speech skills, language skills while writing resolutions and last but not the least role-playing skills. However, in future, I would like to use my organizational skills in MUN and for that I want to be in the organizing committee. I feel that I am a responsible individual and I have the ability to plan an event such as this and to work collaboratively with members of organizing committee. I would like to develop my oraganisational skills further by being a part of the committee.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week Without Walls

"Week Without Walls" (WWW) is a programme devised to Promote the core principles of CAS. It not only promotes community service but also action and creativity. Having taken part in the programme over the last two years, I was keenly looking forward to our week in Hambantota (8/2/2010 --12/2/2010). Our grade was divided into two groups to paint two pre-schools. Our group planned the mural before we left on the trip. Working collaboratively becomes critical for projects such as these. Hence we decided that the creative lot in our group would work on the mural while others like me would finish up painting walls (both inner and outer), doors, floors, play equipment and also to a mural on one of the walls of the assigned pre-school. We pooled in money (each student of grade 11 gave Rs.1000), with which we bought gifts such as back packs, pencils, dolls, t-shirts among other things, for the little kids studying in the pre-school and on the morning of 8 February, we were off to to Hambantota which lies close to the southern tip of Sri Lanka.

For the next 3 days we painted the pre-school that we were assigned from morning to evening (9am to 4pm). I was incharge of painting walls, one of which was the largest interior wall and also doors. Not being the most creative person on our team, I was not assigned the mural work but I would like to stress upon the fact that the architect that designs a building need not have the capability to paint the mural inside the building. I learnt that we need to sand before we actually paint and also that the painting starts looking good only after second coat. Painting the walls with roller brushes and achieving a smooth finish is artistic too. Deciding the colour combinations to paint the doors is artistic too. I am especially proud of the doors that I painted and loved my colour combinations. I had never performed this kind of task and I leant new skills like stripping, sanding and painting during the week. I was happy thinking that the children are going to have a cheerful learning environment, once we completed the work. This I see as the Creative aspect of our WWW.

I took great pleasure in painting the walls and doors even though it was physically challenging. Working for hours on end was exhausting but this clearly is the action part of our CAS requirement. Playing golf and running in the gym pale in comparison to the physically stressful job of painting.

However, Community service is at the heart of WWW. It was an amazing feeling to make a real difference to the learning environment of underprivileged children. The hours they spend in school are going to be more pleasurable due to the painting job we did. That somehow made all the exhaustion worthwhile and compelled me to do my best work. Ofcourse, the children are so young that they would not be excited only by our painting. We gave them the gifts we took and each day we played for about an hour with them. We conducted games and the joy on the faces of those little children was the reward we reaped that week. We put up a concert for the kids and puppet show was one that the kids loved and the children in turn put up a show for us which I would say was the cream of the cake. The village community was very appreciative and they treated us with local goodies. Our team worked wonderfully well and each and every one did their best. The co-operative spirit was evident through out the week.

I strogly believe that community service should not be only about donating money to a charity oraganization. This Project supports my belief and it was one of the many reasons for me to consider our WWW, a success. I was able to give my time and energy to make a small difference and I consider that as good progress towards making a tangible difference to the community. This experience raised my social awareness on the inequalities in society and the hardships experineced my certain classes for basic amenities like a pleasant school atmosphere. Hence, service to community will remain a top priority in my future.

One of the outside walls that I worked on
A door painted by me
One of the windows I painted
With the kids
Our Group in front of the painted school complete with mural

Playing golf is mentally challenging but I enjoy the game and I am committed to develop my skills further.
Precision, concentration and a planning needed on the putting green.
Co-ordination of body, mind and right club to drive the ball

Monday, January 25, 2010

I have been a regular in the gym and I I am happy to share that I have lost another kilo. It is encouraging to lose weight after working out and this further helps me to keep working out. I have not been training with my trainer as our timings are not working out. It is becoming increasingly challenging to manage my activities and studies in a given day. Hence, I have been following the old schedule and doing it on my own.

My golf on the other hand is progressing well and I should be able to get my handicap in about a month or so. Recently my father's friend from Dubai came to the driving range with us and watched me play (a good golf player with a handicap of 6) . He gave me some very important tips for short game and even gifted me a book "The Best Short Game". He also pointed out some mistakes that I was making, for example, I was lifting my head too early and this is one of the reasons why the ball was turning, instead of going straight. I realized that I need to develop my short game skills. It was an interesting session and very encouraging. He told me that, if I had started playing golf two years earlier, I would have got a golf scholarship to College. He also told me that golf is a life style and once you start playing refularly, it really becomes a way of life meaning, Commitment and perseverance will be keys to golfing success. Interesting session!! Above are some photos of me in the driving range and putting green.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Smile With Confidence


My dream to plan and initiate a service activity which would make a difference to a child's life. I do not want the service activity to be something where we collect funds and donate to another charity for them to complete the task. My main goal is to make sure that the children benefit from our activity. Hence my research lead to me to children suffering from Cleft lip and palate. My commitment and perseverance over the last few months lead me to the doctor with whom we would be collaborating for this service.

Believing is one thing but doing what you believe is an entirely different thing. I learnt that it can be very challenging but perseverance will make it possible. I believed that I wanted to to make a real, tangible difference in my community service activity and due to this, my iniative to start my own service activity was delayed by a whole semester as it was extremely difficult to find doctors willing to conduct a cleft lip and palate surgery for less than RS. 25,000.

There are millions of children suffering from this syndrome in Asia especially in South Asia. It was extremely painful for me so look at the photos of these suffering children who cannot smile even if they wanted to, due to the gap in their upper lip or palate or both. Imagine That. They cannot smile, they are bullied constantly by others over and above the not being able to eat and sometimes hear clearly.

Fortunately there are charities like Operation smile and Smile Train amongst others, which are working constantly to help these underprevileged children and these charities have trained the local doctors to perform these surgeries efficiently. My research raised my awareness about cleft lip and palate and helped me understand that our service would make a difference to those underprivileged children.

I was clear about one thing from the begining and that is not to just collect funds and donate to existing charities. Finally I found a doctor who conducts cleft lip and palate surgeries for free (operation theatre and large scale equipment is offered free by Lady Rideway Hospital) and expenses are the disposable medical equipment and the nursing service which works upto 15,000 LKR. Now, I am ready to go. The research and my visits to the hospital helped me watch the underprivileged children in this society stuggle for basic medical attention. I became more determined to make this service project a success. I see this as a beginning of my personal development as service took on a whole new meaning.

Ms.Shamila approved our project and Rajindh was very keen to work with me on this project. Collaboration with doctors, teachers and other students would be the keys to the success fo this service. We talked to other students regarding this by presenting them the power point above. We managed to get 9 students to enroll in our service. Ms.Flynn is going to be our supervisor and we'll be meeting every Thursday after school.