Monday, July 26, 2010


After MUN concluded for the year, I decided to develop new skills, hence I chose Pinhole Photography to support the creative part of CAS and I am glad I did. I always loved taking photographs but this photography is nothing like the normal photography. According to the website Wikipedia, Pinhole camera is a simple one which is essentially "a light proof box with a small hole in one side." The pinhole allows the light to pass through it and the image of the object is projected (inverse) on the opposite side of the box and the size of the hole determines the sharpness of the object (wikipedia).

For the photo exhibition, I planned to shoot my feet wearing shoes after contemplating various subjects. I felt that my feet represent me as a person, since I am a wandering global citizen, who loves to travel and hence felt the most appropriate object (Living).

The photo was not as clear as I expected. I felt that the placement of the camera was fine but the distance between the camera and feet may have been a little off as perfect and this lead to a certain amount of haziness. It could have also been due to the size of the hole in my box too, as the size of the hole determines how much light enters the tin. Since I joined quite late, I think, my techniques were not as good as I would have liked them to be. However, I am very proud of "My foot" and with continued effort, I am sure to improve. While this elective challenged me due to limited time I spent learning the process. I feel I have a long way to go before I can claim to know pin hole photography.

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