Monday, November 22, 2010


Golf -- Clearly, this is my favourite action component as I intend to persue it more seriously in future. One of the biggest challenges I am facing this semester is in finding the time to play golf due to IB deadlines and it is a time consuming game where I need 3 hours at a stretch to play 18 holes. However, I continue to persevere by playing 18 holes atleast once a week. Although I like to be in a better place with a handi cap that is much lower, it is realistically not possible until my IB is done as it takes away too much of my time.

My biggest strength and skill in golf is my drive. Some times I drive as much as 280 yards and this is one aspect of my game that I am really happy with. But my short game needs great amount of work. Despite the time constraints, I am committed to make this work by taking a lesson every week with my coach.

My weakest links are bunkers (sand wedge) and putting, which previously was not so bad. This could be due to lack of practice because I don't spend as much time in driving range and on putting green these days. But I am committed to taking this game to the next level as I intend to pursue it at varsity level. So, I have starting stopping by the the golf course for 15 minutes everyday on my way back from school so that I can atleast practice my pitching and putting. I have also picked up a putting mat in order to practice between study breaks. Gradually my Putting skills are improving.

Tennis -- I played tennis from the time I turned 5 years old and persued it for 9 years but gave up when we moved to Colombo due to problems with proper coaching. Since, I was advised to take up a sport that was more rigourous tha golf, I went back to playing tennis twice a week and I shouls say that I am glad I did. I always regretted giving up tennis as I had pursued it for most of my early years and it is a game I truly enjoy.

I play tennis twice a week now and I am happy with my progress, although first month was frustrating since I expected my game to be where I left off two years ago. Since then, my forehand is almost where I want it to be although back hand and service still need a lot of working. I am mostly playing doubles now unlike before when I always played singles game. But I really would like to be a part of sport that needs collaborating, since I am doing golf where I play independently.

My coach is encouraging me to continue persevering the sport as he is confident that my skills will improve with practice and time. I intend to as it has been a great cardio activity and something that I truly enjoy.


Since I started playing tennis, I am working out at the gym three times a week as tennis has been good for my cardio activity. Gym has definitely helped me to not only burn my calories but also as a destressor and keep me fit and healthy.

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