Tuesday, August 10, 2010



I had taken up MUN and Pin Hole Photography to fullfill the creative part of my CAS. I learnt various skills in MUN but given the limited timing my pin-hole photography sills are quite basic. This was my second year with MUN 'first committee' which deals with human rights and the topic this year was 'Human traficking'. MUN helped me to become aware of various humanitarian issues across the world and work with other memebers of the group in a collaborative manner to come up with resolutions to be passed by the security council. While teaching the workings of United Nations, MUN also helps me to develop compassion for the less fortunate further along with developing skills to question ethical issues in the world. MUN helped me to work collaboratively in large groups, express my views with confidence while appreciating other's point of view. However, having been in the first committee for two years has restricted my all round learning and my leadership abilities as we were constrained to researching only one aspect of MUN. Hence I would like to take up something different within MUN in the year ahead as a part of that plan I would like to apply for the role of head of administration.

Pin Hole Photography helped me develop artistic skills while enjoying myself. It is one skill that I would like to develop further in future as I spent limited time learning the techniques. Even though I have a long way to go in taking and developing a good photo, this course taught me patience, attention to detail and to work independently. I do plan to continue Pin Hole photography next year after completing my MUN requirements.


I took up golf and Gym for the activity part of my CAS. While Golf was stimulating both physically and mentally, it was going to the gym 4 times a week that helped me lose weight which was one of my major goals for the year. I made good progress in golf and learnt new skills especially my 'short game'. Golf has helped me develop mental strength and positive spirit in order to perform underful stressful conditions while competing. It helped me understand that the can make the person win or lose a game Gym on the otherhand kept me physically fit and tested my will power to keep up the exercise routine while eating healthy. My workouts in the gym made me more energetic and helped me to handle my stress levels better and helped me grow as an individual as I had be committed despite time constraints. However, I would like to restart tennis (previously played for 10 years) which I have been neglecting for the past one year due to busy schedules. I miss the challenge of playing a rigourous sport which challenges one both phycally and mentally.


One of my major goals last year was to iniate a community service project that benefits the people in need directly and I have. The initiation process and running the service has made me more self-reliant than I thought. My interaction with the children suffering with cleft lip and palate and their families made me understand their helplessness as they have to wait their turn as they could not afford the surgery. This new experience has taught me to be more compassionate, autonomous, responsible and confident while handling challenging situations. My research developed my awareness and knowledge about how cleft lip and palate affects children in under developed countries. Organizing the event made me realize that I could not have done it alone without my team. I also learnt that collaboration need not be only with peers but also with companies who were so generous in their contributions. However, I did not start the service activity till the second semester for various reasons and this loss of time is something that I'll regret. It meant having lost an opportunity to organize another event to raise more money for surgeries. Better late than never and I am happy with my progress since then. I plan to continue with this service where we intend to raise more funds to sponsor the surgeries of as many children as possible.



Work towards a leadership role in MUN


Start Tennis
Continue Golf
Continue Gym


To sponsor 10 or more cleft lip and palate surgeries in the coming year again